Administrative committees

Administrative committees draw on the knowledge and resources of faculty, students, and staff to help the University gauge the tenor and tone of the issues facing the campus on a continuing basis. These administrative committees are appointed by central campus administrators, and serve in a variety of units across campus.

“S” indicates committees with student members

Name of committee Appointing administrator S
Animal Care & Use Committee (ACUC) Vice Chancellor-Research
Committee on Animal Research Space Assignment (CARSA) Vice Chancellor-Research
Campus Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers Vice Chancellor-Finance S
Council on Advising and Student Support (CASS) Executive Committee Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education S
Campus Bicycle Committee Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women Chancellor S
CalCAP Vice Provost for Academic Planning S
Capital Planning Committee (CPC) Vice Chancellor-Finance
Capital Renewal Committee Vice Chancellor-Administration
Census Work Group Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
Chief Administrative Officers (CAO) Group Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Campus Committee on Classroom Policy and Management (CCCPM) Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education S
Committee on Audit, Internal Control and Financial Accountability (CAICFA) Chancellor
Compliance, Accountability, Risk and Ethics (CARE) Chancellor
Compliance and Enterprise Risk Committee (CERC) Associate Chancellor
Conflict of Interest Committee Vice Chancellor-Research
Coordination Board for Admissions, Financial Aid, and Enrollment Management Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost S
Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT) Chancellor S
Course Materials and Services Fees Committee Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost S
Campus Advisory Committee on Creative Arts Chancellor
Council of Deans Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Council of College Deans Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Council of Undergraduate Deans Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Design Review Committee (DRC) Vice Chancellor-Finance S
Executive Campus Planning Committee Vice Chancellor-Finance S
The Green Initiative Fund Committee Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs S
Haas International Award Committee Vice Chancellor-University Development and Alumni Relations S
Haas Public Service Award Committee Vice Chancellor-University Development and Alumni Relations S
Health Fee Advisory Board Vice Chancellor – Administration and Finance S
Hellman Family Fund Awards Committee Vice Provost-Faculty
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Honors Vice Chancellor-University Development and Alumni Relations
Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) Vice Chancellor-Research
Information Risk Governance Committee (IRGC) Associate Chancellor and Associate Chancellor-IT/CIO
Campus Information Security and Privacy Committee (CISPC) Chief Information Officer S
International Activities Coordination Group Vice Provost for Academic Planning S
Jacobs Hall Program Committee Vice Provost for Academic Planning
Laboratory and Environmental Biosafety Committee Vice Chancellor-Research S
Laboratory Operations and Safety Committee Vice Chancellor-Research S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBTQ Communities at Cal Chancellor S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Muslim and Palestinian Student Life and Campus Experience Chancellor S
Naming Advisory Task Force (NATF) Vice Chancellor for University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR) S
Chancellor’s Joint Oversight Committee on Parking Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance S
Police Review Board Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance S
Program Review Oversight Committee Vice Provost for Academic Planning
Radiation Safety Committee Vice Chancellor-Research S
Radiation Safety Committee, Non-Ionizing Vice Chancellor-Research S
Recreational Sports Board of Governors Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance S
Regents’ Lectureship Committee Vice Provost-Faculty
Registration Task Force Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
Research Compliance Advisory Committee (RCAC) Vice Chancellor-Research
Scientific Diving and Small Boat Safety Board Vice Chancellor-Research
Seismic Review Committee (SRC) Vice Chancellor-Finance
Space Assignment & Capital Improvements Committee (SACI) Vice Provost for Academic Planning S
Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC) Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance
Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee Vice Chancellor-Research
Steering Committee for Online Education (SCOE) Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Student Fee Referendum Committee Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs S
Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Mental Health Chancellor S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees Chancellor S
Student Systems Policy Committee (SSPC) Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
Student Technology Fund Committee Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs S
Chancellor’s Council on Students of Color and Multicultural Engagement Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (CACS) Chancellor S
Student Advisory Council on Undergraduate Education Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
University Athletics Board Chancellor S
University Athletics Board: Gender Equity and Diversity Chancellor S
University Partnership Program (UPP) Advisory Committee Chancellor S
Western Association of Schools and Colleges Steering Committee (WASC) Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education
The Wellness Fee Advisory Committee (WFAC) Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs S
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Work and Family Vice Chancellor-Administration and Finance S
Yield Task Force Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs S

Doe Library

Student Participation. Most committees are open to students unless otherwise exempted by the Chancellor.  Undergraduate and graduate students who wish to be considered for service on an administrative committee may submit an application to the ASUC Academic Affairs Vice President or the Graduate Assembly, respectively. Most student appointments are made by the fourth week of instruction in the fall semester. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year; early applications are welcome.